Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have become really picky about friends as I get older. I mean, when my kids were little, any warm body at the playground was just fine. Just sit and talk grown up with me, please. Now that my little people aren't so little (as in, I am tied with one of them for shortest in the group), I find it harder to make good quality friends. I think I've started listening to what they are actually saying now.

One of my very good friends, Michele, has a daughter who is my daughter's (the one I tied for shortest with) very good friend. The kind of friend who can come visit your house for 3 days of spring break and cause not a ripple in the fabric of your life. Not one. No visit from the younger sister complaining that the bigger girls won't include her, or anything. It was wonderful to have her here. I just wish Michele could have come. Then I could have had a friend to hang out and talk with, too. But she did the next best thing- she sent chocolate covered fruit. yum.

I am trying to look at the bright side of the fact that most of my friends do not live locally. I am lucky to have many friends in many places, thanks to the Marine Corps. I have a killer Christmas Card list. Unfortunately, this does not always translate to someone to call and go shopping with on a Tuesday.

I did get to spend time with a friend last night, scrapbooking with her and several members of her family who were visiting. I am currently working on a Halloween album, which showcases all of the kids' costumes. Actually, I think I finished it last night, but I want to look at it all together and see if it needs anything else added. I am also working on an album for my son's graduation from high school, which is coming a lot faster than I think. I am almost finished with it, except for the pages I can't do yet, like graduation itself and this year's baseball season and prom. I liked having other people to scrap with, as I generally do that all by myself in my basement. Pattie's cousin is quite talented- her pages were fabulous. I really enjoyed sitting by her and watching her work.

Another thing for my to-do list- make more time to spend with friends. Right after make more local friends.

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