Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December musings
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Journal Your Christmas

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Message
Tony is coming home today, so that is exciting. He will be here through the weekend. The girls are really excited about that, too. Alex will be o.k. once her huge world history test is over today. Then she can feel thankful. Alyssa is in the top two for the spelling bee in her class, so that is continuing today to see if she competes for the 8th grade spot in the school.
I started a book at Creative Escape called The Good Book, where I write something I am thankful for every day. It helps keep me focused on the good things in my everyday life. Sometimes it can be hard to think of something original each day, but that is part of the process. The other part of this book is that I have to write down 5 strengths of mine each month. I only have a few days left in November to think of some. I have already listed ten, between Sept. and Oct. and I am not sure I have 15 strengths, let alone the 60 I will have to come up with for the year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this blog (all 5 of you!)- think about what we really have- it is amazing!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twilight- Midnight Showing

Yes- I wear one, too. I am also a fan of the books, so it was fitting. Here is the back of the shirts- a quote from the first book-
I enjoyed having others ask us where we bought them! (Oh, the poor mother needs more of a creative outlet, don't you think?)
My review of the movie is four stars- mainly because of this:
I actually just read a review that said his eyes (and the fact that you can see the white of his eyes under his irises) are what make him attractive- apparently Marilyn Monroe and JFK both had this type of eye. I am not sure that is all of the appeal, but it does make his vampire stare more effective! I will leave you with an image that illustrates the longing inherent in this movie- (insert sigh here)

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Grey Skies and Yoga Pants

Off to get more design knowledge...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Not a T-shirt wearing girl
Life is short- Read Fast!
Lead me not into temptation- especially bookstores.
I am the Grammarian about whom your mother warned you.
I'm just here for the Savasana. (that's the corpse pose in yoga you do at the very end to relax.)
Vocatvs atque non vocatvs deus aderit (translated, Bidden or not bidden, God is present.)
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. ( a chemistry take on the quote I always use on the kids)
When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.
At what age am I old enough to know better?
She is too fond of books, and it has addled her brain. - Louisa May Alcott
Have a good Sunday!
One of my favorite comics is Big Nate- and this is one of my favorites in the past couple of weeks. I so remember going over having a good attitude whether you win or lose countless times over the years.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Fall and Monticello
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thoughts on a Democracy

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween- the day after

I had to have her pause the DVD so I could make the costume. Here is our take on the lovely white dress that Scuttle threw together with some rope:I did make her wear some type of shoe, and Matt gets major kudos for putting up with her. She was really glad to have a Prince Eric, though. Oh the power of the mouse- what would Halloween be without Disney characters?? I saw lots of them last night.
I took some other pictures yesterday, too. The light was really perfect as I walked in from subbing, so I made the girls brush their hair and come outside. I got some really good ones. Here are a couple:

Friday, October 31, 2008
Pumpkin Carving Time

Alyssa had a little helper- Summer was very interested in the pumpkin carving- and in eating the little pieces of pumpkin that fell out. I got her to pose for me and look at the camera-
Hasn't she gotten big? Sometimes I can't believe how big she is.
Alex got to get to work on her pumpkin after finishing some drama class work.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Good Idea/Bad Idea
Went below 32 last night, so the impatiens just gave up the ghost. I will try and pull them all up in the morning before I go to the school. I am subbing tomorrow afternoon- Friday/Halloween/8th graders- does anyone else see any attention issues here? Then I was called today to sub at the high school tomorrow afternoon- high schoolers vs. 8th graders- I think I have the better deal.
Tonight is pumpking carving- I found Disney princess stencils, and my girls are thrilled. No, they are not preschoolers, they are teenagers- why do you ask?? If I could have found Jonas Brothers stencils- which probably do exist on the web somewhere if I wanted to look- they might have been happier, but I don't know for sure.
Need to finish Alyssa's costume- working on the glittering starfish for her hair- and start dinner. will try to have pictures of the pumpkins tomorrow. Too bad I have to walk right by that Halloween candy on my way to the kitchen- 3 whoppers never killed anybody, right??
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008

Thirteen years old. Wow. Got her some balloons, made some chocolate mousse (a cake will come later for the party) and wrapped several things in gift bags. She stayed after school for a field hockey game (several of her friends play on the team), so she isn't home yet. Hope she is having a good day now that the Geometry test and the Spanish test are over.
Happy Birthday, Alyssa!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Lots to Say

Doesn't he look nice? He is cracking me up with how he and the guys on the hall cut each other's hair. I sent clippers with him to school, and apparently, some other mother did, too. They take care of each other. He shaved his roommate's mohawk off the night before school started.
Alex looked beautiful for homecoming:

And here is the group of girls she went with- no dates. We never would have gone to our Homecoming without a date- I am glad that has changed.

Alyssa got glasses, but I cannot find the picture I took of her in them, and she isn't being cooperative for me to get another one right now. She is constantly saying Wow- I can see that! She will lift her glasses and look without them and say, Boy I am blind. She mentioned how pretty the trees were now that she can see individual leaves. It is a miracle she has been as good of a student as she has been without being able to see the board in class. I feel a little guilty that I didn't notice how bad her eyes were sooner.
Yesterday I spent several hours backing up all of my photos to an external hard drive. I try to print a lot of them, and I store on external drives, and this is a backup to my other storage external drives. I am glad that is done for now- I am going to try and get on a monthly system of backing up and organizing- the digital photo thing can quickly spiral out of control.
Enjoying my design class with Cathy Zielske. She is very funny, and I think her class just might be the most professionally done one I have taken at Big Picture Scrapbooking. I love the fact that the practice is making layouts, so I am getting some of that done as well.
Finished all of the Twilight series- enjoyed them for the most part. Alex and Alyssa have both read the first one (Alex has also read them all). Alyssa is waiting to read the others until she finishes a book she has to read for school. I need to finish The Innocent Man by John Grisham for Book Club on Wednesday night..
Off to enjoy the rest of the day off from school and Mark from work. Won't even mention that I will try and do better, the guilt goes without saying...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Learning Digi Stuff

I am working on an album called 30 Days Hath September. It is supposed to be helping me be more "in the moment" as I scrapbook everyday. Wow- I am really trying to keep up, but I end up having to print the photos every few days, which means I am writing things in a notebook and then transferring them to the album, effectively ruining the "of the moment-ness." Yesterday I decided that I did not have to follow every prompt exactly as layed out for me, and that has helped immensely. I should be all caught up and ready to go on in the moment as of Friday, I would think. I printed pictures today, and I will see how far I get tonight. I decided only to use the prompts if I can't think of something else I want to do.
Spent 20 minutes cleaning in the scrap room today. About 60 more days of 20 minutes a day ought to do it. Put away all of the things from Creative Escape, except the projects, and I plan to photograph them as I finish them to show you all. I did get the work space cleared off, so that will help get the album done as well. The sectional was not a good place to scrapbook.
Working a half day tomorrow and then continuing on the great clean out- community yard sale is Saturday morning. Not much time left.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Yoga Monday

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Home Again
I was planning to blog from Arizona, but the internet didn't work in our room, and it cost $12.95 a day. DeAun and I were wondering why the cheap hotels can offer free internet in your room and free breakfast, while the expensive places charge you for everything??
I will share some of the projects we did at CE once the box of them arrives at home. I did appreciate the chance to ship some things and not worry about them in my suitcase. Also, I did get the album that I am completing right now called 30 Days Hath September. It is all about scrapbooking in the moment, which I hope I will be able to keep up with this month. I have to do some catching up from the time I was out of town.
Hopefully I will be able to keep up on the blog, the September album and my Gratitude Book from Creative Escape all at the same time.- wish me luck and focus!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day of School
On my way to Phoenix tomorrow. Cannot wait. Did so much today- sent a package to Tony, went to the fabric store, went to the commissary, cleaned in the house, finished all of the laundry, packed, edited and uploaded my last photo job, notified the last two clients about their galleries, went to the library, took a 2 mile walk with the puppy, and fixed dinner. Normally the commissary wears me out, and that is all I can accomplish in a day. Love the motivation of a trip!
Need some sleep and to weigh my luggage (I'm a little scared!).
On a product placement note, you should try the Olay Thermal Pedicure. I saw it in a magazine on vacation, and it really does smooth out your feet.
Have a great Wednesday- I'll be in the air! Hooray!
Monday, September 1, 2008
September 1st and the real New Year's Eve

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It's a Girl!! About 7 lbs.

With a face like that, she can get away with a lot, I am afraid!! She is so blond- I think she looks like a seal pup (with ears!)
I spent today doing a set of senior portraits- I am pretty happy with them. I have quite a few for them to look at. I have one more swim meet to do- I'll get that done tomorrow. Then I can finally get to some great pics I took of Alex and Alyssa, and they really want me to spend some time on the Jonas Brothers pics I have (from all three concerts I have attended this year!)
Tomorrow I have a mammogram, so think about me after lunchtime. I am really nervous- which is why I set an appointment soon. I don't have time to chicken out or stress too incredibly much.
Bible Study Day Two
Going to pick up the puppy today!! Can't wait to see her!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bible Study Day One
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yoga Again
We will be able to pick her up next week. I can hardly wait to snuggle with that little one. Her name is Summer, and she is a very light golden.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Do you ever feel like if you actually did all of the things so called experts tell you to do everyday (floss, exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, take a vitamin, moisturize, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, daily devotion- still a sticking point-, etc.) that you would need more than 24 hours in the day? Sometimes that is what I think, usually as I am trying to rationalize my way into bed without flossing.
Sometimes I wonder what I have done all day, but today, I know. Not much. I took the swim team photos this morning and it stressed me out a bit before hand, so I didn't plan anything for this afternoon. We are dog sitting for our friend's Bichon, and he and I did some resting together for a while. The girls and I watched last night's So You Think You Can Dance on the DVR, and that about sums up my day, along with eating an entire carton of grape tomatoes and 2 white peaches (so sweet!). The dog sitting is reminding me of what is to come in the puppy department- I had kind of forgotten that panic of thought- where's the dog? and its implied meaning- what is the dog destroying at this particular moment? Nordstrom (don't ask) is 5 years old and very calm, so that part is not puppy like, but being used to a 70 lb. golden retriever, the Bichon is puppy sized.
Tomorrow Alyssa gets assessed by the physical therapist, and I am looking forward to having a plan to help her shoulder get better. More news after that.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Scrapbook Inspiration
Ten Essentials I cannot be without:
paper towels
Excedrin (when you need it, you need it)
iPod (for walking)
chocolate chips in the pantry
books and magazines
phone- either home or cell
Nine Words I Love
y'all (and please punctuate it correctly)
Eight books I have loved (only eight is hard, and these are in no order)
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
The Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle
Into Thin Air by John Krakauer
Shopaholic (the series) by Sophie Kinsella
Harry Potter (the series) by JK Rowling
Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
How to be Good by Nick Hornby
Seven things I love about my everyday life:
Sunday- the sermon is always good and the Post Magazine find the difference pictures
Monday- a fresh start, new to do lists
Tuesday- crossword puzzle and sudoku in the newspaper
Wednesday-watching As The World Turns on my DVR
Thursday- my kids are old enough to entertain themselves, yet still like for me to participate occasionally
Friday- pizza for dinner means I don't have to cook
Saturday- preferably a no-schedule day with time for projects and reading and scrapbooking and all sorts of stuff that can't actually fit into a 24 hour day.
Six Places I Would Like to Visit Before I Die
Italy (Rome and Venice)
Alaskan Cruise
Paris (again!)
Five Things I do Everyday
Read (something, anything)
Crossword Puzzle (most days anyway)
talk on the phone
eat something chocolate
go on the computer for some reason
Four stores/websites I frequent
Target (the actual store)
Three Ways I Relax
Two Decisions I Have Never Regretted
Finishing College before I got married
having children (not that I haven't had my moments, but I haven't ever truly regretted it)
One additional Thing You should know about me:
I am addicted to self-improvement and the ability to re-invent myself frequently (doesn't always take, but I keep trying.
Monday, July 7, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
This is Love

Monday, June 30, 2008
Catching Up as I Turn 42!
In an effort to start MY new year off not running behind, I am going to attempt an update of what has happened since June 4th, when I last posted.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Winding Down
Tomorrow I continue on my cleaning up and out project that I hope to finish in the next 7 days or so. I don't know if it can be done, but if it can, I will do it. I cleaned out under the bathroom cabinets- can you say medication that expired in 2006??- on Tuesday, worked on the linen closet organization, etc. I am ready to move on to the other rooms, because I am taking over the kids rooms on Monday morning if they have not sufficiently cleaned them by then. Having company always makes me motivated to get the house cleaned, and since moving here, we really haven't had much overnight company. (could be the lack of a guest room, but I don't know- that would be a reason Mark would say not to have a guest room, and I would say the opposite.)
Alex tried out for dance team today, and when I picked her up, she wasn't pleased with her performance and was claiming there was no way she would make varsity. She, unfortunately, was right. She made the JV squad again, and since she was captain of the JV squad last year, she is thinking of not dancing this year and swimming instead. That would be fine with me; I am just upset that she didn't get what she wanted. She is definitely not happy, and I hate it when my kids aren't happy, or don't get what they want. I know she will enjoy swimming, and anything else she chooses to do, but that is not the point tonight.
Alyssa doesn't have to go to school tomorrow because of the testing schedule. She is my best hope at cleaning help, so I am optimistic about what we can get done, with the bribe of eating out for lunch, or something. We shall see. I want to walk in the morning, but the tornado warnings will have to stop first.
Alyssa came down already tonight complaining about the lightning waking her up, and I know I won't sleep well with all of this racket going on. For some reason, this house howls with wind. It really freaks me out- I feel like I am going to wake up to big pieces of siding lying in the grass. When Mark is gone, it is really bad. Maybe I am tired enough to sleep through it tonight.
Off to bed to get some rest to be ready to work tomorrow.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day

Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend

You can also see her beautifully straightened teeth in this photo. I took a whole bunch all in a row, and she liked this one the best. It is a little posed, but I am glad I have it. I can't believe I managed to take a photo in the house with no flash! So proud of myself. Really learning some stuff about my camera and how to manipulate it to get the pictures I see in my head.
Have a wonderful weekend. I hope to achieve the balance of free time doing fun things and accomplishing some things.