Well, we have a rainy day here, which plays nicely into my plan to stay in yoga pants and do things in the house today. Mark was home on Monday and Tuesday- Happy Birthday Marines, and Happy Veteran's Day. We did a lot of good stuff around the house, then I subbed yesterday afternoon. That means today is the first day I have been home all day BY MYSELF since last week. Until I don't have that, I don't realize how much I need it. Actually, many days I spend a lot of time talking on the phone in an effort not to be alone. Not today. I am thrilled to be in comfy pants and hanging out. (there will be no photos of this, but I did do my hair and put on makeup, because at my core I am still from Atlanta.)
Catching up on my design class, some shows I dvr'd, and laundry folding. Whee- but today will be a good day, even though it is raining. I am also in heavy planning mode for the holidays- not actually doing, but trying to get the big picture in my head so I can begin to do.
Monday was Parents' Day in Alex and Alyssa's jazz and prepointe classes. I took the camera, much to their dismay. Here is a layout I did about it:

Off to get more design knowledge...
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