Doesn't he look nice? He is cracking me up with how he and the guys on the hall cut each other's hair. I sent clippers with him to school, and apparently, some other mother did, too. They take care of each other. He shaved his roommate's mohawk off the night before school started.
Alex looked beautiful for homecoming:

And here is the group of girls she went with- no dates. We never would have gone to our Homecoming without a date- I am glad that has changed.

Alyssa got glasses, but I cannot find the picture I took of her in them, and she isn't being cooperative for me to get another one right now. She is constantly saying Wow- I can see that! She will lift her glasses and look without them and say, Boy I am blind. She mentioned how pretty the trees were now that she can see individual leaves. It is a miracle she has been as good of a student as she has been without being able to see the board in class. I feel a little guilty that I didn't notice how bad her eyes were sooner.
Yesterday I spent several hours backing up all of my photos to an external hard drive. I try to print a lot of them, and I store on external drives, and this is a backup to my other storage external drives. I am glad that is done for now- I am going to try and get on a monthly system of backing up and organizing- the digital photo thing can quickly spiral out of control.
Enjoying my design class with Cathy Zielske. She is very funny, and I think her class just might be the most professionally done one I have taken at Big Picture Scrapbooking. I love the fact that the practice is making layouts, so I am getting some of that done as well.
Finished all of the Twilight series- enjoyed them for the most part. Alex and Alyssa have both read the first one (Alex has also read them all). Alyssa is waiting to read the others until she finishes a book she has to read for school. I need to finish The Innocent Man by John Grisham for Book Club on Wednesday night..
Off to enjoy the rest of the day off from school and Mark from work. Won't even mention that I will try and do better, the guilt goes without saying...
1 comment:
Handsome boy...beautiful girl!!
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