Well, the New Year has arrived, and while it still looks very much like the old year around here, since I haven't taken down any Christmas decorations, I am welcoming it.
Alex and I started our National Novel Writing Month this evening, and I just finished my daily word count. A novel of 50,000 words is the goal at the end of the month. For the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo is actually in November, but any mom with kids knows that is not a good month to start a project that big. Our thought was that not much was going on in January, but boy does it sneak up on you. I figure no month would be good, so I am on my way. It is feeling like young adult fiction right now, and I am pretty happy with that. We'll see how it is going at the end of the month.
I am trying desperately to finish my Daily December album, so this post will be short. I am working on posting frequently to the blog, so some may be shorter than others. Tomorrow, I will try and have photos of my Daily December, or my newly un-decorated and cleaned house, or something. I am working on my NEW laptop (a Christmas gift from loving husband) and I have no photo software installed on it, so I cannot put my own photos in my blog posts currently without a lot of effort.
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