The college boy is back. He (and all of his friends) are having trouble finding work. Aren't we all? This leads to a boy with nothing. to. do. So far, this has been o.k.- he is working out, helping a litte around the house, etc. His biggest accomplishment of the spring, apparently, is the beard. It has inspired jealousy in many of his guy friends. It doesn't bother me too badly, but I am looking forward to it going, now that I have some photos to look back on.

It is good to have him home, but the grocery bill has already gone up. The milk especially is disappearing at the rapid rate. Funny how quickly you adjust to a new normal, and now I will be adjusting back to this for a few months.
So much going on right now with the ending of school for another year. Many posts to come on spring activities.
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