With Spring Break right after Easter, I didn't get the photo editing done that I wanted in order to post on the blog. I did do it this morning, however, so I am happy to finally be documenting Easter. Tony was able to come home for 21 hours, so we enjoyed seeing him. And, he brought his girlfried Kelsey, that I had never met- although she was already my friend on facebook. We dyed Easter eggs, and hid Easter baskets, and the whole thing, and hopefully didn't scare Kelsey too much.

Alyssa and I spent all morning (6am-1220pm) at the church, singing and playing the piano, respectively. It was a long morning service for us. Thankfully it was a good one, so it wasn't hard to sit through four times. Then we had a lovely Easter lunch, and our friends Janet and Sarah Dix joined us. I even made a cheesecake- first time in a LONG time- and it was incredibly yummy.

Alex had her wisdom teeth out on Good Friday, so she is a little swollen in this picture. Not a good time for getting them out, but there is apparently no good time, as I had been trying to schedule this since October.
I took Christina's portraits this weekend, and I will post those soon- also some I took of Alyssa and her friends over Spring Break. Have a great day!!
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