Monday, April 27, 2009

Georgetown Cupcake

When Alyssa and I spent Friday of Spring Break week in Georgetown, this was the motivation for going. I had followed the "Cupcake Wars" in the Washington Post Food section during the fall, and Georgetown Cupcake had pretty much wiped the floor with any competition. I had been wanting to go ever since- finding time to take such a small trip took a lot longer than I thought.
Alyssa was lured by the prospect of shopping in Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie- and checking out this successful cupcake bakery, since she would really like to own one one day. The cupcakes were indeed lovely and delicious. We brought these 6 home, after having one each sitting in Georgetown. So we tried 8 flavors- our favorite was the coconut and for me, the chocolate squared came in a close second. My only complaint was that most of the vanilla frosting is all cream cheese, and I prefer buttercream. I think the cherry blossom had buttercream. We split every cupcake we brought home so we could both taste all of the flavors.
The bakery didn't open until 11- we passed by it around 10:45- already a line forming. I thought it would die down after they opened. Wrong. We waited in line for about 25 minutes to get in to the tiny place to order our cupcakes. Definitely worth the wait- no fake frosting, or tough cake mix type cakes. yum...
Shopping in Georgetown was a lot of fun, and I wish I had more time to do stuff like that with the girls. Alex was on her way to Myrtle Beach with the school chorus this particular day. Those Saturday dance classes really mess with our available time for fun. I would like to plan more fun (I am starting to realize that if I don't plan it, it will not "just happen" like it did when they were smaller and unscheduled.).
I have photos to edit,and I must get ready for my day and start thinking about more fun to be planned.

Friday, April 24, 2009

one of my favorite things

Gardenias are probably my favorite scented flower. I remember my mom cutting a blossom off of our gardenia bush and floating it in a bowl in the dining room. It would scent the entire house. Well, gardenias do not grow in Virginia, so I am unable to have that lovely aroma in my house. However, in the spring, we do get some beautiful lilacs. These are from my neighbor's bush. (I asked first!) I clipped them last evening and they smell heavenly. I may have to buy a bush so I can clip from my own in future years! Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Musings

With Spring Break right after Easter, I didn't get the photo editing done that I wanted in order to post on the blog. I did do it this morning, however, so I am happy to finally be documenting Easter. Tony was able to come home for 21 hours, so we enjoyed seeing him. And, he brought his girlfried Kelsey, that I had never met- although she was already my friend on facebook. We dyed Easter eggs, and hid Easter baskets, and the whole thing, and hopefully didn't scare Kelsey too much.

Alyssa and I spent all morning (6am-1220pm) at the church, singing and playing the piano, respectively. It was a long morning service for us. Thankfully it was a good one, so it wasn't hard to sit through four times. Then we had a lovely Easter lunch, and our friends Janet and Sarah Dix joined us. I even made a cheesecake- first time in a LONG time- and it was incredibly yummy.

Alex had her wisdom teeth out on Good Friday, so she is a little swollen in this picture. Not a good time for getting them out, but there is apparently no good time, as I had been trying to schedule this since October.

I took Christina's portraits this weekend, and I will post those soon- also some I took of Alyssa and her friends over Spring Break. Have a great day!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Photo Shoot

Here are some of the pictures I got of the brother of the lovely girl I showed you last week. I was pretty pleased. We had a bit of trouble with some fake smile/grimacing in the beginning- but once I started talking about jamming with Metallica and girls in bikinis- we got some real smiles. This is obviously a nice looking family. There is one more sibling- the oldest sister, and I get to do her pictures when she returns from Europe, lucky girl. I really do enjoy this job. I am hoping to increase my business to the point it is the only job I need. Pray for that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mount Vernon

This is beautiful Mount Vernon- I got to meet my friend Shellie and her family for a quick tour of the mansion last week. There are some beautiful places to take photos around here- I enjoy visiting them all. The McLeans were a little jet lagged (although you can't tell from the photos) and the kids were being quizzed on everything they were supposed to be learning during their week away from school. It was great fun getting together with them, and even more fun when they came to my house for lunch on their way out of town (literally the last stop on the way to the airport). It is nice to have friends all over the country, but it is even nicer when they are close by.