He always looks good dressed up. He seems more comfortable in dressy clothes than most boys his age. He is happy to be holding those Honda keys, too. I think that is his favorite part- driving my car.
Today I finished the second coat of paint on the front door trim. That is really making me want to paint the front door tan- my family is not on board with this change, but I am really starting to want it. New black knocker and handle. My fabulous neighbor already bought me a new WELCOME for the front door ( my current one would have to go if I painted the door.) Also bought and planted impatiens and some Liriope around the holly. Things are looking good around here- new doormat, etc. I just wish the plants weren't so small. I am starting to plan some pots for the deck, but they may have to wait until next payday, or possibly Mother's Day. I could ask for a gift card to buy the plants- we'll see.
Only four days of long term work for me. Can't believe how fast it went. Hope I get some more subbing days before the end of the year. I will have to ask them to remember me in the front office. Sometimes they forget to call you when you have been there everyday. But first, some time to get life back together. It didn't fall quite so far apart this time. Hoping to get my entryway problems solved- I need to clean out my hall closet and set it up to be my dropping place instead of the chair in the office. Not sure what I need to facilitate that, but I am pretty sure I already own it. We'll see.
Looking forward to a little time to myself. Need to go through and upload three games worth of pics for baseball. Not looking forward to that. Must start tomorrow. Happy Saturday night. Remember your prom- was it fun for you??
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