Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day

Friday, May 23, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend

You can also see her beautifully straightened teeth in this photo. I took a whole bunch all in a row, and she liked this one the best. It is a little posed, but I am glad I have it. I can't believe I managed to take a photo in the house with no flash! So proud of myself. Really learning some stuff about my camera and how to manipulate it to get the pictures I see in my head.
Have a wonderful weekend. I hope to achieve the balance of free time doing fun things and accomplishing some things.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tony handled it very well. He had a good game personally, so I think that helps. Another thing finished at the end of the year- but this time it is the last year, so that makes it different.
Busy making invitations for the graduation party, and ordering senior pics from the developer, and addressing announcements. Hard to believe it is all almost over- not just baseball. very weird.
Alex and Alyssa have been such troupers while we drove to Tony's games and left them to go to dance and get picked up by different people. Tomorrow is Alex's chorus concert. I am glad we will all get to go to that. Alyssa's year is winding down, too. SOL tests start this week for her- the schools go all kinds of crazy over them, but thankfully, they don't faze my kids too much.
Feel a cold coming on- need some rest, so I am going to head to bed.

This is the one of the gorgeous hanging baskets the kids got me for mother's day. I love how they brighten up the deck!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Subbed today- not really liking the one day sub jobs. I enjoy more autonomy than that. I had to sit in class while they read silently. The teachers are doing something called Work to the Rule. In order to protest the fact that they are not getting any kind of raise this year, they are just working to the absolute letter of their contracts. That means not getting there a minute early, and not staying a minute extra. It was odd to have someone coming through the halls saying- three more minutes, you need to be out of here at the end of the day.
Planned a lot of things to do in the house before the big graduation to do. Need to start on some of that tomorrow. I may even call a house cleaner to see how much that would be the week of the party. It would be so nice to have all of that done at once- just can't afford much to have someone else do it.
Must go to bed- game two of the tournament is tomorrow at 5. Can't wait.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Weekend Report
Tony had a baseball playoff game today, and we got killed. I took it really hard- probably harder than Tony. Trying to get over it and move on to Monday night's first game in the district tournament. Sports are hard for me- I don't like to lose. Hard on a mama who can't do anything to affect the outcome.
This one will be short. I will try and get several promised photos up tomorrow. Enjoy your Sunday!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Snow Day? Rain Day?

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Back to Normal??
I worked on a "poster" for Tony for our church today. Parents put together a poster (most people, including me, use a multi-opening frame) to hang in the church for a couple of weeks around graduation time. It is supposed to depict their life this far. Well, I found a frame that I kind of liked, but it is VERY difficult to narrow an 18 year life down to 15 pictures. There were so many that didn't make the cut- I can hardly believe it. I made sure there were some with Alex and Alyssa, and some with Mark and I, and a family photo, and photos of all different ages- it was tough. I think it is going to be nice- now that I have selected the photos, I need to trim them and clean the glass, and put the whole thing together. The frame is black- and there is no mat, just the frame (I'll try and post a picture of it when I finish it.) I am thinking about using white rubons to put a few words on it, but I don't know. I may just leave it plain. I did find that I didn't think I took enough pictures of Tony in the years when the girls were little- I didn't like that.
Today I walked through a scrapbook store just for the inspiration. I need to work on some pages- I have been concentrating on my photography class, and haven't given Library of Memories the time it deserves. I hope to catch up a bit in the next few weeks. My plan is to give myself some days with time to myself that doesn't involve shopping. I have no problem taking time for myself if it involves leaving the house (i.e. to shop!), but I can't seem to take that time if I am in the house. I guess I feel guilt if I am here and not doing anything to help the house- I don't know why shopping doesn't bother me. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess. I am hoping to plan some scrapping and reading days instead of shopping days.
I read a blog by Ali Edwards http://www.aliedwards.typepad.com/ and this week she had a whole series on words + photos. All about writing the stories of our life. I need to do that. Looking through all of those storage albums, looking for pictures of Tony, I was reminded of a lot of stories that I am not sure I have told in my albums. The series is really good. I like her style- she is very honest in her journaling, and she always starts with the story. I always start with teh photos, almost exclusively. She is also very good at documenting her life right now- her coffee, her laptop, etc. I would like to do that, too. When I think that Tony was already almost a year old when we bought our first computer! The changes we have been through just in our family... see there is a story right there! I need to get busy- she uses a journaling program on the mac, but I will probably just open a word document.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day- I wasn't too good with coming up with ideas for things I wanted, so who knows what I will get?! I would like all of the chores to be done. I don't know if that will happen, and I want to take pictures of Tony in his cap and gown. Hopefully that can happen tomorrow. I would want to go to DC or somewhere, but it is supposed to rain AGAIN tomorrow.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Welcome Spring

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Mom of an 18 year old

He always looks good dressed up. He seems more comfortable in dressy clothes than most boys his age. He is happy to be holding those Honda keys, too. I think that is his favorite part- driving my car.
Today I finished the second coat of paint on the front door trim. That is really making me want to paint the front door tan- my family is not on board with this change, but I am really starting to want it. New black knocker and handle. My fabulous neighbor already bought me a new WELCOME for the front door ( my current one would have to go if I painted the door.) Also bought and planted impatiens and some Liriope around the holly. Things are looking good around here- new doormat, etc. I just wish the plants weren't so small. I am starting to plan some pots for the deck, but they may have to wait until next payday, or possibly Mother's Day. I could ask for a gift card to buy the plants- we'll see.
Only four days of long term work for me. Can't believe how fast it went. Hope I get some more subbing days before the end of the year. I will have to ask them to remember me in the front office. Sometimes they forget to call you when you have been there everyday. But first, some time to get life back together. It didn't fall quite so far apart this time. Hoping to get my entryway problems solved- I need to clean out my hall closet and set it up to be my dropping place instead of the chair in the office. Not sure what I need to facilitate that, but I am pretty sure I already own it. We'll see.
Looking forward to a little time to myself. Need to go through and upload three games worth of pics for baseball. Not looking forward to that. Must start tomorrow. Happy Saturday night. Remember your prom- was it fun for you??