listening to podcasts of The Paperclipping Roundtable
eating too much- even of the good stuff
drinking unsweetened iced tea, now that I gave up soda, is that any better?
wearing t-shirts with cardigans and scarves, and still boots
feeling a little overwhelmed by all I want to accomplish but can’t seem to start
wanting a mirrored chest at Tuesday Morning- may go get it tomorrow if it is still there
needing a few more hours of sleep than I've been managing the last few nights
thinking too much and not doing enough
enjoying reading and my job
wondering how to get more hours or just more productive hours
creating not much- trying to put that on my list, reupholstering a chair for what seems like forever
procrastinating by creating lists instead of scratching them off, sometimes the same list more than once!
pondering lots of ideas from what I am reading and my inability to truly cross off the things that I seem to care about, given how many times I’ve written them on lists
loving spending time with my girls doing fun things, especially free ones
anticipating a day off tomorrow, and the chance to do a few things
reading Split Ends, The Grace of God, One Thousand Gifts, Made to Crave and magazines
organizing my office
decorating my bathroom, just a little bit
This came from Lee at Embrace Life I like these simple answer these questions type of posts. Makes it easier to blog some things.
Trying to work through some eating issues (what else is new, I like to eat more than I need) and have been feeling a bit low in that I have found some old lists (a hazard of really cleaning in the office) and many of the things on my current lists can be found on old lists, too. They are still not done. No matter how many lists I put them on. That is sad to me. It makes my thinking and planning and list making seem futile. I know it isn't, but I found a list where I was trying to do much of what I am trying to do for my healthy life right now, and the only habit that has stuck from that list from 2007? Making my bed every day. The only thing keeping me from crying over that, is that at least making my bed is now such a habit that I cannot imagine leaving it unmade on any day. Maybe some of these other habits could become lifestyle changes for me.
Project lists are much the same- I have had a similar project list for many years for this house. I think I am going to pick out 6 projects to complete this year. Some of them are expensive, and they may have to wait, but some are not, and they can get done. One of the things I don't like about the Designed To Sell show on HGTV (and I do like the show) is that the people don't do anything to make their house nice until they want to sell it. I do NOT want to be those people- I want to like my house while I am living in it, not offer it for sale to someone in better shape than I lived in it.
Alright, enough belly aching by me- I am going to work on photos this weekend, and hopefully that means I will have some photo centered posts for next week. I am trying to get a system down for working on photos and scrapbooking and reading. Once I tried to list everything I had to do in a week and include some time for all of my hobbies, like photography, reading, scrapbooking, and exercise. I added up the hours and it was more hours than exist, so I want to adjust. Apparently I can do it all, just not all in the same week. (There I go making lists again!)
What are your currents?