I am going to skip the mea culpa for not posting, and just start posting again. Two snow days this week (now that it is March) have put me on an odd schedule. Add to that a husband traveling,and my to-do list is not taking first priority. Hard to stay motivated when the kids are home from school- which is why I love snow days- no expectations for productivity. Anything you accomplish is pure bonus.
Now everyone is back to school for a full day, and I have high hopes for my day. I am working on a few things, some of which seem contradictory. The first thing is- I am looking for a job. This is more difficult now that half a million other people are also looking for a job. I am trying to stay positive, but it is a bit discouraging, all of this applying on line with no response. Hits the ego kind of hard- I am not asking for a top level job, here. The second thing is- I am trying to improve my website and photography business. I guess if I can't find a job, I can at least try to up my income from my preferred business. I am working with someone to design a logo for me and also on getting a slideshow on my website.
My weight loss is slooooow but steady. I am hoping to be down 6 more pounds by the middle of April. Don't know if that is going to happen, but I really want it to stick. I will say it is a bit dismaying how little you actually need to eat in order to keep yourself alive and not gaining. I like food- really! I don't like the limits, but that is the reality. Alyssa is working on it with me, and Alex starts and stops- she says she wants someone to bestow the will power upon her. It will be a while before that happens- I've been waiting for 18 years or so, since I had a kid and had my first experience of weighing more than I wanted to. Noone showed up with the will power for me.

Lent began, and with the dietary changes I had already made, I didn't want to do anything with food for Lent. I have decided not to spend any unnecessary money on me. No magazines, books, cds, scrapbooking supplies, clothes, shoes, etc. for me. Target profits may be down this quarter. I am hoping for two things out of this- one-more space in my day because I won't be running around to stores so I can use that time for Bible Study and self improvement, and two-I will break the habit of running around and shopping for no reason, and will eventually spend less even after Easter. Pray for me- this is much harder than giving up soda.