in one short afternoon. Alex got her hair cut on Monday for Locks of Love. Over 10 inches came off (and she still has long hair!). It was kind of emotional for her, but she is really glad to have done it. She has started to look a lot like Alyssa. I am sure we'll get used to it. The pony tail for dance was really cute today! A new look for spring- she is still my beautiful girl.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
Need to do something creative this weekend, but it may just be cleaning for me. We'll see. I have two weeks left of my long term sub job, and I can't believe how fast this one has gone. Six weeks is nothing when your first job of the year was four months!!
Want to work on my House that Cleans Itself. I did make a purchase (I know that it's out of order, but I saw a solution that I hope will help with the mail issue in my house.) Mail just stacks up around the kitchen and family room until I make one big pile and deal with it. Hopefully, this will eliminate some of the stacks. DeAun has always said the pile is my enemy, and I know that, but I can't seem to get them out of my house. Piles of laundry, piles of dishes, piles of paper, piles of stuff dropped off by people coming in the house (only Tony is really exempt from that comment, and the floor of his room is proof he takes EVERYTHING upstairs when he enters.) I am hoping the book will make a difference. I am going to set up my devotion station and work on my entry way this weekend, I think. I have to reread parts to know what order I am supposed to be doing things in. I think I have to make a drawing, too. Good Luck to me!
Tony may have a baseball game on Saturday afternoon, which would be interesting to take pictures of- I rarely have enough light to shoot a whole game. Weather is changing to good for the duration- I think we have passed the freeze points, so I may be off to the nursery for some impatiens to plant, and maybe some other plants, too. I want to plant some pots for the deck and that is FULL SUN, baby, so I need to do some research on what can survive out there. The front yard is almost all shade, so it will be totally different. Just writing on this blog is reminding me of things I want to do- yikes, really need to start the list!!
Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
42nd Street
Friday, April 11, 2008
Ahead of the Game
This weekend, I am shooting a two year old birthday party- I am kind of excited. Been a while since I've done the Blue's Clues set. Hoping to get some good images. Maybe even some for my class. If I can't get a good one tomorrow, I will have to set something up for Sunday. My class is studying Documentation (what we do most of the time) vs. Interpretation (what those classic images are) Hoping to luck upon an interpretive image or two of independence or toddlerhood, or something. We'll see. Hope the weather holds for outside shots, and for the sake of the mom giving the party.
Baseball game tonight- shooting that, too. Need to process both games this weekend. Also have a quinceanara to go to Saturday evening. Should be nice. Alex is dancing in this one for her friend Alexis. Hope to get a few good shots of that, too. Camera should be getting a workout. I need all the practice I can get.
I really need to work on perfecting the technical aspects of the camera so that the art of the picture is all I have to really think about. Once the technical part is good, the critical eye is all you have to worry about. That only comes with practice. Working on it- time (as always and with all things) is an issue. At least I will be forced to work with the camera this weekend. It's a good thing.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Blog Update
1. Biggest Loser- I love this show and everyone needs to go and vote for Roger to be in the finale. I have really gotten into this season- I am not sure, but I am thinking Ali might really be the first female biggest loser. Roger is a big guy (6'3") and I don't know how small he can get. I tell everyone I know that I want to be on "The Moderate Loser" for people who want to lose between 10 and 50 lbs. Ok., and I want to know the plan they were on this last week, for people to lose 10-15 lbs. in week 15 of a diet and exercise plan, they did SOMETHING- that doesn't just happen.
2. The sun is finally shining again. At least for this afternoon. I do not do well without light. Ask anyone. I am not productive in drizzly gray days, and that is all we have had for a week. probably a contributing factor to lack of blog.
3. The mama dog for my as yet unconceived (is that a word?) puppy is in heat! She should be bred this weekend, and that means an LL Bean cover-worthy puppy is headed my way at the end of next month. I cannot wait to get a new puppy. They are so much fun. Furry love.
4. I have a teacher workday tomorrow. I have some work to get done, and I think they are going to let us work tomorrow and not go to a bunch of classes. That means I will have completed two weeks of my six. So much shorter than the last job!
5. So much to do- don't know when it is all going to get done, but I got one of the hardest things off my list today, so YAY for me.
I'll try and be a little more consistent on this blogging thing. I think it is good for me to write things down and gain a little perpective.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
In Memoriam
Justin Whitaker 9/7/89-4/7/08
The world lost a great kid this week. One I have always been happy to know. a happy kid. a kid who loved baseball. a kid who would say your name in the kind of voice that made you think he was thrilled to see you. even if you were just the mom of one of his teammates. such a strong spirit. the kind of person you hope you would be if you were struck with cancer in high school. the kind of inspiration you would be happy to call your own son. the kind of superhero that could bring a community together in ways I have never seen. this is Justin. the best kind of kid. the kind God wanted to spend more time with. the kind we are so sorry to see go. the kind of kid who will never be forgotten. We'll see you on the other side and I can't wait to hear you say "Mrs. Adams!" like you are thrilled to see me again.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Best Laid Plans...
I am teaching Math to sixth graders. Yesterday I had to show them how to measure things with a ruler. It isn't the Geometry class I was teaching in January, but you can't say they won't ever use it.
My two page list is being pushed to the weekend, along with a few other things that will need to happen during that very short two day period. I know I am a whiner about this, but I do not know how moms who work full time do it. I know I would have to have some hired help, which would mean making more money than this. I am paying the youngest child to do a few jobs around the house- she cleaned out my refrigerator beautifully, and she is working on the pantry as I type. Love that kid.
My Spring Challenge is starting slowly. I haven't done any of the exercise part unless driving counts. I am concentrating on water and sleep this week. I will try and continue to add to it as I go. I really want to get my act together about my health. Every Wednesday I take my friend to Chemotherapy for her breast cancer. Every Wednesday we talk and laugh and make plans for "Chemo- the musical." She is amazing. I know she hears it all of the time from all kinds of people. I have to say that I have said she was amazing from the time that I met her, well before a cancer diagnosis focused attention on her amazing-ness. She is an excellent teacher, but more importantly, an excellent human being. Proud to know her. Proud to drive her to chemo and sit beside her. (Will link to her blog as soon as I figure out how to do that.) But I have to say that Wednesdays have started making me focus on my health. At 41, I need to work a little more diligently on that.
and with that, I need some sleep...